「月見うさぎ」の解説 = うさぎは山の紙やその使いと伝えられ、動きが素早い為戦国時代の兜のモチーフとなったり、多産で付きとの関わりも深く豊穣をもたらす縁起の良い動物でもあります。長い耳は情報収集力に長け、月見をしながら高く跳ねる姿にこれからの世の中も高く跳ねるような景気になりますようにと願いを込めました。
Rabbits are beleved to be a massenger for the god of mountains or the god itself. Because of their swiftness, they were used as a design motif for samurai helmets. Rabits are also regarded as a lucky animal and believed to bring good harvest based on a fact that have many children and on a belief that they have a sacred connection to the moon. For their extended ears best to gether information and for their ability to jump so high as to reach the moon, it is hoped that our society will also jump as high.