朱漆塗り仕上げ=角大師と裏の梵字部分の朱色 根付の種類=饅頭根付。
This type of netsuke is called Manjyu netsuke. This technique is called a vermilion lacquer finish, in which the Kakudaishi and the back of the sword are painted in vermilion.
元山大師 比叡山天台座主が瞑想中このような鬼の姿になり、これを弟子に写させ、版木を起こし刷らせて民家の戸口に貼ると疫病も鎮まり、患った者達も全快したことから魔除けの護符として天台宗の寺院などで伝えられている。そのお姿と梵字のキリークを藻玉に彫り、疫病除け、願望成就が持ち主様にご利益がありますようにと祈りを込めました。
Ganzan Daishi (元三大師) Hieizan Tendai-zasu (the top rank of Tendai Buddhism) became a demon during meditation. When he made his students copy that on wood plaques and put them on the door of private houses, an epidemic subsided and the affected people were completely relieved. Because of this, they have been handed down at temples of the Tendai sect as a talisman to protect against evil. I carved the figure and the Kiriku of the Sanskrit character into algae balls, and prayed that the owner would be protected agains an epidemic and fulfill his/her wishes.
藻玉(豆科植物) 巨大な豆